Smart Gardening Guru Reviews of the Best Smart Gardening Products Mon, 23 Aug 2021 21:28:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle Fri, 30 Apr 2021 21:06:45 +0000 This review we are going to be looking at the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle, this is a bundle that will help you to take your gardening to the next level. You fed up with having to water your garden? Do you find it to be at sure that you don’t keep up with?

Are you sick of paying a gardner to water your garden?

Or are you just looking for a very easy way to water your garden?

Then let me introduce the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle, we will be looking at this today and it is the number one bestseller for an automatic irrigation controller, or otherwise known as a smart sprinkler. This little tool quite simply will automate the task of watering your garden, but it is far more advanced than that then gives you lots of features that you can use to get the job done.

We will walk you through the features and exactly what you get, we will also tell you the pros and cons of the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle based on the features that you can see what to look out for and whether this will be the right choice for you. The other thing that we will do is have a look at the customer opinion so you can see exactly what people saying about this product as well as the ratings.

Amazon has a very good rating system it allows you to rate from one star all of the way to 5 stars, a one-star review would be terrible, and a five-star review would be perfect. The thing is, to make your buying decision what is even better is Amazon gives people the opportunity to write down what they liked about the product and also what they did not like. With the reviews you can quite commonly see exactly what they liked about the product and they will sometimes come back to update their review based on the longevity of the product.

This means that quite simply you will always be able to see whether a product is for you and this is exactly the same with the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle.

We will start off by having a look at the ratings that this has achieved and if you are in a hurry, you can click here and go straight through to to check out the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle.

Click here to check out the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle at…

Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle Ratings:

Overall, 4.7/5

The first thing that you will see with this product is that it has a super high score with most people very pleased with their purchase. The reason that this is so good is because 85% of people that purchase this product have rated it five-star. When you weigh in the fact that this is based on nearly 6000 global ratings then it makes it very impressive because it means that you are going to get a product that most likely you will enjoy.

85% of people that purchase this product rated it five-star and a further 9% of people rated it four-star, when you go right down to the one-star reviews only 3% of people that purchase this product rated it one star and that is based on nearly 6000 ratings, so it goes to show you at a glance that this is a very good product.

There are also individual features that are rated highly for instance:

Easy to install: 4.7/5

The Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle has been rated very easy to install so even if this is your first time setting up an automatic sprinkler you don’t need to be worried and you will be able to install this quite easily. You can simply follow the instructions to get up and running and if you get really stuck you will be able to find a YouTube video to show you exactly how to do it which is a really nice touch.

Smart features: 4.5/5

You will of course have many smart features that you can use with the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle, we will explore these a bit further down the review but yes this is an automatic sprinkler, and it will link to your smart home systems to be able to do many things and water your garden in many different ways.

User interface: 4.5/5

When you are navigating yourself around the user interface on the app you will not be confused, and most people rated this very highly and it has a near-perfect score. If you want something that is very easy to use even if you are brand-new to home automation, then you will definitely find it here.

Wi-Fi signal: 4.3/5

This is an important feature. It will need Wi-Fi to be able to connect and to use the home automation systems, however we highly encourage you if you’re going to have this at a point where your Wi-Fi will struggle you need to make sure that you have a Wi-Fi extender. So many people will mark this down when it is actually just their Internet that will not stretch that far, make sure that you can have a strong signal where you want to install this, and you should have no problems as the Wi-Fi will work seamlessly.

Tech support: 4.2/5

It is a really nice touch that the technical support has been rated highly for the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle. If you’re looking to use this and are worried about not getting adequate support, then those fears will be quashed by the rating here.

Alexa integration: 4.1/5

Can you have a smart home system without Alexa integration? We are not sure, but no matter as the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle will connect to Alexa and it will do so easily so you will be able to command the sprinkler with the power of your voice as long as you have an Alexa or an echo device.

We will now take a look at some of the reviews so you can see what people are saying both from a five-star perspective and a one-star perspective that will help you to build some contrast, especially if you’re still weighing up whether the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle is a better choice for you.

Five-star reviews:

A five-star review that we found mentioned that this was their first Rachio product and they were very impressed. They actually purchased this product as a referral from a neighbour and they are glad that they took their advice as they said that this controller is nothing short of awesome.

They found it to be well constructed and had very easy to understand instructions, they also managed to get this set up quickly and easily and the app for your smart phone is very well designed and thought out.

When they left their reviewed, they had been using the device for about 3 weeks and they are very happy with the results. They found the device to be hyper- intelligent and it will run an automated or you can also use it as a manual device.

The benefit of this device is that you can run it every day exactly how you want to, or you can also set it up to monitor the weather conditions in your area and allow it to determine when it needs to water, it will even determine how much water it needs to put down based on the weather reports!

They mentioned that they have a personal weather station on top of their house, and they have connected this device to the weather data received by the PWS. This means that they are getting accurate information and they are also getting smart watering based on actual rainfall.

They went on to say that they were thoroughly impressed and pleased with their purchase, so this is a fantastic review.

Another five-star review mentioned that they purchased this to replace an existing RainBird setup that they had, and they were not overly thrilled with the previous set up. They found their previous setup was programmable, but it was no good at sensing when it is going to rain.

Once I had the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle installed they said that they picked the smart cycle watering and it worked as advertised, this actually split the watering times into 2 separates smaller waterings to reduce the amount of run-off. The other thing that they really liked about the product was that they can pick a single zone and set it up to run the sprinklers as well.

They did mention however that this does not work with the Apple home kit just yet, bear in mind that this review we researched was from 2018.

One Star Feedback:

Although, the one-star reviews were few and far between we thought we would update as that will allow you to see exactly where people were having problems.

The first one-star review that we found said that they needed help from their technical support, and they did not get anywhere. They also mentioned that they found the scheduling too complex for their needs and they could not work out how to get it working to be able to water the garden. After a lot of stress, they contacted the technical support, and they did not get any joy.

A further one-star review mentioned that it will not work with the iPhone 11, they said that it was very easy to install but it would not connect to the Wi-Fi. After they had tried everything, they called the helpline, and they asked a lot of questions and kept putting them on hold. After explaining that they had an iPhone 11 the phone operator got back to them and said that the system is not working with the iPhone 11 currently, this of course led to a one-star review as they were not made aware of this before their purchase.

Finally, another one-star review that we found mentioned they really liked the product, but it only worked for several months until the scheduling function just stopped working, this is of course something to bear in mind, but we think they will more unlucky than anything else.

Verdict on the feedback:

With a product like the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle, we do not think you will have many problems with this because the overwhelming feedback that comes through for this product is five-star. With so many reviews and so many sales and so much praise for the product we would not let the one-star reviews above put you off.

However, if you are really unsure, we recommend that you test out the customer support yourself as then you will not need to worry, and you can set your mind at rest.

We also encourage you to check out the customer reviews yourself at so you can read some more of them and find out the things that people loved and also the things that they were not keen on.

Let us have a look at the features of the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle:

Bundle Includes our Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller (Alexa and Apple Home Kit Compatible with Hyperlocal Weather Intelligence) & our Rachio Weatherproof Outdoor Enclosure (custom designed and fully weatherproofed for outdoor use to protect your Rachio controller).

Avoid watering in the rain. Exclusive weather intelligence plus automatically skips unnecessary watering with features like rain skip, wind skip, freeze skip, and more.

Control from anywhere with the easy-to-use app. Run sprinklers, view upcoming schedules, and observe your estimated outdoor water usage.

Experience fast DIY installation. Rachio Smart sprinkler controllers replace 99% of existing sprinkler controllers. Install in 30 minutes or less with no special tools needed. Our in-app installation tutorial helps you get online and watering in no time!

Deliver all the water your plants need; no more, No less. Rachio creates tailored Smart schedules based on the specific needs of your lawn, including plant type, soil type, sun exposure, and more.

Save money and water! See up to 30-50% savings on your monthly water bill!

The Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle will give you a fantastic bundle and included you will get something that will work with Alexa, it is also compatible with the Apple home kit and it is compatible with hyper- local weather intelligence that we mentioned before in one of the reviews.

It will also give you a weatherproof outdoor enclosure, this is custom-designed and fully weatherproofed for outdoor use to protect your controller. You will get this in the bundle.

With this system you will not have to worry about watering in the rain as the weather intelligence system will automatically skip unnecessary watering with features like rain skip, wind skip it even has a freeze skip and much more. This means that not only can you set this up to be able to water your garden at a time that you wish but you can even have it work out itself whether the weather is too bad for watering. For instance, if it is raining or snowing then you do not really need to water the garden at that point and this system will automatically take control and stop.

You will also be able to control this from anywhere with the easy-to-use app. There are many choices that you can use such as being able to run the sprinklers, view the upcoming schedules and observe your estimated outdoor water usage.

Another thing that is really good about the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle despite it being powerful you will be able to use a very fast DIY installation and it will also replace 99% of existing sprinkler controllers. You should be able to install this in just 30 minutes or less with no special tools needed and you will get and in app installation tutorial that shows you exactly how to get online and watering in no time.

This means that you can deliver all the water that you need to your plants and also do much more. The really awesome thing is that this goes further and will give you smart schedules based on your specific needs of the lawn, even including the plant type, the soil type and the sun exposure. You should also be able to save money as you can save up to 30 to 50% savings on your monthly water bill depending on who you are with as they sometimes give discounts for using these systems.


We highly recommend the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle as a smart sprinkler. There is a reason why it has five-star feedback, and we think you will be absolutely fine with this product and will be able to get up and running quickly.

The only thing that we would recommend is to make sure that you check out some of the reviews yourself so you can see exactly what people have been saying about it, the other thing that we recommend you do is check out the frequently bought together deals as most of the time you will be able to save money and pick up special deals. You can also check out the warranty options which we recommend as it will be very cost-effective for a product of this price.

If you want complete control and also really good value for money, we highly recommend checking this out and bringing a new level to your garden watering that you will never regret, this is one of those products where you wait for a long time weighing up whether it will be worth the money. Once you have it installed and up and running you will never look back and be able to use this to water your garden.

Click here to check out the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle at…
