Smart Gardening Guru Reviews of the Best Smart Gardening Products Mon, 23 Aug 2021 21:26:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sprinkl Control Review Sat, 01 May 2021 19:57:46 +0000 On this page we are going to look at the Sprinkl Control which will give you a fantastic automatic watering system for your plants otherwise known as an irrigation system. The main difference with this is that it will give you a smart device that allows you to do this on the fly, you will be able to program it and also do lots more and hook up to your home automation system.

If you’re looking for something that will give you a vast array of options to be able to control the maintenance of your garden without lifting a finger, then you are in the right place.

The other thing that you should know about the Sprinkl Control is that at the time of writing which is April 2021 is currently the highest rated product, this does not mean that it is the bestselling but in terms of customer review this is the one that has the most favourable feedback.

The Rachio 3, that we had a look at previously was the bestseller, but you will find that the Sprinkl Control is the best in terms of the feedback that it has been receiving. On this page we will give you an in-depth look at the features and we will also explain each one in turn, so you know exactly what this does and what you are getting for your money.

The other thing that we will look at first are the ratings for this product, not only will you see how this scores out of 5 but you will also be able to see the individual features that have been rated highly and that is always good to know especially if you are comparing this with other automatic watering systems for the garden, it will give you the edge and you will be able to see that you are getting a product that will work exactly how you want it to.

For instance, you might be looking for a product that will give you great programmable ability and to be able to schedule it exactly the way you want. You may also be looking for a product that is able to predict the weather and automatically water your garden, or not depending on what the weather is doing.

We will make sure that you have all the knowledge you need to make a buying decision. To help with this as well we will look at what people saying about the product, when people leave a review, they commonly will tell people their experiences and even come back to let people know how they have got on with the product. We will have a look at all of this, so you are able to see both the five-star reviews and also the one-star reviews to help you make a buying decision.

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Sprinkl Control Ratings:

The first thing that we will have a look at the ratings for the Sprinkl Control. This will allow you to see exactly what people have thought about the product overall and also what they have rated it individually for each feature.

Overall rating: 4.8 out of 5

You will see as we mentioned above that this has a fantastic rating. It has nearly a perfect score but bear in mind it does not have as many reviews are some of the other choices that we have had a look at. It is fairly new to the market, but it will give you something that is fully updated with all of the home automation systems and it gives you a lot of different features for the money. The other thing that you will be able to see about this product when you go through to is that it works out to be very cost-effective.

Let us take a look at the individual features and see where this has been rated very highly:

Alexa integration: 5/5

If you are looking for a system that will integrate with Alexa, then we would highly recommend going and checking this out today. We have not seen an automatic watering system rated as highly as this in regard to Alexa integration.

If you are currently using Alexa and you want to be able to hook your irrigation system up to it then you should check this one out as it has a perfect score by all of the people that have purchased it.

Smart features: 4.9/5

This device will also give you ever so many smart features so you will be able to use this and configure it exactly the way you want to. We will walk you through some of the features further down the review, but you should know that you can do far more than just program this in and having water your garden at certain times. There is a myriad of features that you will be able to use with this system and chances are you will not use the more, but it gives you the option which is a very nice touch.

Tech support: 4.9/5

One of the ratings that we like the best out of all of these is a support rating that is nearly perfect. This means that if you are looking to purchase this product and you are worried about getting a product that is underpar or having trouble setting it up you can rely on the technical support.

There are very few products that you can say this for even big brand names fall down on support. So, if you are new to using these types of smart products and you want the extra help, we recommend checking this out because of the support rating.

Easy to use: 4.9/5

Despite having all of these features you will find this remarkably easy to use and it gives you a great system that you will be able to get up and running with quickly and easily. You can use this and go as advanced or as basic as you like and you will still find that it does the job you need it to, we will have a look at the features in just a second but first let’s have a look at a five-star review and also a one-star review so you can see the good and bad at both ends of the scale.

Five-star feedback on the Sprinkl Control:

One of the five-star reviews that we found mentioned that they were very happy with this automated sprinkler system. They purchased this for energy-saving and also to make it far easier to the garden.

The first thing they mentioned about this product is a recommendation to watch the install video twice, this is not because it is difficult to install but because you won’t believe your eyes that it will only take 5 minutes and then you will be up and running.

They will also very happy as this connected immediately, you are also able to take photos of each zone which makes it very efficient especially if you have enjoyed the clunkiness of past systems.

Another thing that they mentioned is that this is very easy to program, but all of the options are so addictive that you may spend a lot of your time programming it and reprogramming it to see all of the options.

Another thing that they were very happy with, as we had a look at above on the support ratings if you have a question, you are able to email the owners who respond faster than most companies.

This is a fantastic system, and they were very pleased with the purchase if you’re looking for something that will allow you to do pretty much anything that you need to with an automatic watering system.

Another five-star review mentioned that it takes a lot for them to get excited about the product, but they were very impressed as this product was very well designed and thought out, they mentioned that this stands in a league of its own in terms of the crowded field of tried-and-true irrigation manufacturers.

They even mentioned that the timer that you get with this system will get some of the other companies scrambling to play catch up. The app is also extremely intuitive and well thought out and the price point is perfect. They mentioned to stop reading this and just buy it and you will be very happy with your purchase, where the installation only took them about 15 minutes.

We will now look at the one-star reviews so you can see the contrast:

1 Star Feedback:

One of the one-star reviews that we found mentioned that they were unable to get the app to work, we thought this was a little bit harsh marking it right down as a one-star feedback review when it could have been resolved.

Another one-star feedback review mentioned that there was a wrong power adapter in the box, and they’ve also checked the official website and there are no correct parts in the box.

The good news is that aside from these miscellaneous reviews above there were literally no more one-star reviews for this product. So, with the app, this could have been easily resolved by contacting the support and with the box and all of the parts inside we have no doubt there is either a mistake here that would be rare, or they could have contacted support to get a refund.

Let us take a look at the features that you get with this product and walk you through each one:

Sprinkl Control Features:

EASY TO INSTALL. Takes less than 20 minutes to install with no experience necessary.

AUTONOMOUS. Turn on autonomous watering mode when paired with moisture sensors (sold separately). Sprinkl will keep monitor moisture levels and only water the lawn when required.

STAY INFORMED. Turn on notifications for mobile app to update you on what is happening in your yard. Notifications will let you know when your yard is watering or restricted.

SAVE WATER AND MONEY. Stop watering in the rain. Sprinkl uses local weather conditions to disable watering based on current, past and future rainfall and temperature. No subscription required.

COMPATIBLE. Control by Sprinkl works with Android and Apple mobile phones. Pair Control to your favorite smart home hubs like Amazon Alexa.

As you can see above you get a wide range of features and they claim that this will only take less than 20 minutes to install with no experience necessary, if you want something that you are able to get up and running with quickly then you should check this out as it is very easy to use. In most cases, as we had a look at above in the reviews people were able to get up and running in about 5 to 10 minutes. Someone even mentioned in the reviews, to watch the installation video twice not because it is difficult but because you will not believe how quick it is.

This is also autonomous which means if you buy the additional moisture sensors, these are sold separately but it means that you can make this completely on autopilot. The way it works is it will use those sensors to be able to monitor moisture levels and only water the lawn when required. This makes it very easy to use and it also means that if you did not want to you could simply buy the sensors and use the system to be able to water the lawn any time you wanted without programming.

You will also be able to turn on notifications for your mobile app to update you on what is happening in your yard, the notifications will let you know when your yard is watering or restricted, this is really good, and it means that you have more control, but you can also turn off the notifications if you find them too annoying.

You will also be able to save water and money, the system is set up so it will not water in the rain and it also uses local weather conditions to disable the watering based on current, past and future rainfall and temperature with no subscription required.

The other thing that is really great about this product is that the system is compatible with android and Apple mobile phones, all you need to do is pair control to your favourite smart home hubs like Amazon Alexa and you will be able to get up and running with ease and start using a fantastic system that will work well for you.

We highly recommend checking this out, if you’re looking for something that is super easy to use and that will give you all of the features that you need you really cannot go wrong with the Sprinkl Control.

The main thing that we like the best about this system is that it has impeccable customer support so you cannot run into problems, just make sure that when you go through to you pick up a warranty options, so you are covered. You can also check out some of the reviews yourself and you will see on the product page there is a frequently asked questions section if you have any specific questions about the product the chances are someone else has had the same question. You will be able to see all of the answers on the product page to finalise your purchase.

Lastly, check out the frequently bought together deals as you will commonly be able to save money and also make sure that you check to see if you want to go for the sensors option to fully automate this product.

Check out the Sprinkl Control at below and we think you’ll be very impressed with what you get here:

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