Smart Gardening Guru Reviews of the Best Smart Gardening Products Sat, 28 Oct 2023 19:26:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Unveiling the Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM: A Brighter Tomorrow Sat, 28 Oct 2023 19:26:07 +0000 Unveiling the Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM: A Brighter Tomorrow

When it comes to transforming your outdoor space into a beautifully illuminated oasis, the Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM, 6 Pack are the go-to choice.

These innovative lighting solutions offer a blend of style, efficiency, and smart technology that can truly elevate your outdoor experience. Read on to discover how we will delve into the features, benefits, and who should consider these remarkable lights, as well as their pricing. So, let’s shine a light on Lumary!

Unveiling Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM

Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM, 6 Pack, are more than just outdoor lights; they are a testament to innovation. Here are the key features that make them stand out:

Cutting-Edge Illumination

Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM boast an impressive 500 lumens of brightness. This means that these lights can efficiently illuminate your outdoor area, whether it’s a garden, walkway, or patio, ensuring that no corner is left in the dark.

Energy Efficiency

One feature of these lights is their energy efficiency. They are designed with advanced LED technology, ensuring that they provide brilliant illumination while consuming minimal power. This not only saves on electricity bills but also reduces your environmental footprint.

Smart Connectivity

In a world that’s increasingly interconnected,. These lights can be easily controlled via a smartphone app. You can schedule their operation, adjust brightness, and even integrate them with your smart home system. The convenience they offer is unparalleled.

Durable and Weatherproof

Built to withstand the elements, these lights are IP66 waterproof-rated, ensuring that they can endure rain, snow, or scorching heat. Their durable construction ensures they will last for years, providing consistent performance.

Easy Installation

No need to hire an electrician or go through complex installations. Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM come with easy-to-follow instructions, making installation a breeze for anyone, even if you’re not a DIY expert.

Stylish Design

Besides functionality, these lights bring a touch of elegance to your outdoor space. Their sleek and modern design can complement any outdoor decor.

The Benefits of Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM

Now that we’ve explored the features, let’s delve into the benefits these lights bring to the table:

Enhanced Security

With the ability to illuminate your outdoor area, Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM act as a deterrent to potential intruders. A well-lit space is a safer space.

Ambiance and Aesthetics

These lights are not just for security; they also create a magical ambiance. Imagine enjoying a serene evening on your patio or hosting a beautiful garden party under the gentle glow of these lights.

Increased Property Value

Investing in quality outdoor lighting can actually increase the value of your property. Potential buyers are often drawn to well-lit and beautifully landscaped spaces.

Energy Savings

The energy-efficient design of these lights means you save money on your electricity bills over time, making them a cost-effective choice.

Who Should Consider Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM?

Now, let’s talk about who should seriously consider adding Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM to their outdoor space:


If you own a house, these lights are a fantastic addition to your property, enhancing its security and curb appeal.

Garden Enthusiasts

Gardening enthusiasts will love how these lights can showcase their garden’s beauty during the day and night.

Party Hosts

If you love hosting outdoor gatherings, these lights can create the perfect party atmosphere.

Eco-Conscious Individuals

For those who care about energy conservation and the environment, Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM are a great choice due to their energy-efficient design.

How Much Do They Cost?

Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM, 6 Pack, is an investment that pays off in the long run. The price of this set varies, but you can expect to find them in the range of $150 to $200, depending on the retailer and any ongoing promotions.


Q: Can I control these lights remotely?

A: Yes, you can control Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM through a dedicated smartphone app, offering convenience at your fingertips.

Q: Are these lights difficult to install?

A: Not at all! The lights come with clear instructions, and you don’t need any special skills to set them up.

Q: Do they work in extreme weather conditions?

A: Absolutely. These lights are built to withstand harsh weather, ensuring they continue to shine through rain or shine.

Q: Are they compatible with smart home systems?

A: Yes, you can integrate these lights into your existing smart home system, making them a seamless part of your connected home.

Q: How do these lights impact energy bills?

A: The energy-efficient design of Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM means that they help reduce energy consumption and, in turn, lower your electricity bills.

Q: Can I adjust the brightness of these lights?

A: Yes, you can easily adjust the brightness to suit your preference, creating the perfect lighting atmosphere.


Lumary Smart Landscape Lights Pro 500LM, 6 Pack, are an exceptional choice for anyone looking to elevate their outdoor space.

With cutting-edge features, numerous benefits, and an eco-friendly design, these lights have the potential to transform your outdoor area into a captivating and secure haven.

While they may have a moderate upfront cost, the long-term savings, convenience, and aesthetic enhancements make them a wise investment.

So, if you’re ready to light up

Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit Wed, 25 Oct 2023 19:31:32 +0000

Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit

A Fresh Way to Garden Indoors

Indoor herb gardens have become a popular choice for those who want to enjoy fresh herbs year-round without the need for an outdoor garden.

One such product that has caught the attention of herb enthusiasts is the Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit.

In this article, we’ll delve into the features of this innovative kit, compare it to three similar products, and provide a comprehensive overview in 1000 words.

Features of the Click & Grow Kit

The Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit offers a range of features that make it a standout choice for herb gardening enthusiasts. It comes with built-in LED grow lights, which provide the optimal spectrum for plant growth. These lights are energy-efficient and mimic natural sunlight, ensuring your herbs receive the right amount of light to thrive.

Its self-watering system includes a water reservoir that supplies the plants with water as needed. This means you don’t have to worry about overwatering or underwatering your herbs, making it a low-maintenance solution for gardeners of all skill levels.

How it Works

The Click & Grow system is designed to be user-friendly. It utilizes biodegradable Smart Soil capsules that contain all the essential nutrients for your herbs. Simply insert the capsules, plant your seeds, and let the kit do the rest. The Smart Soil technology ensures your herbs grow faster and healthier compared to traditional soil.

Ease of Use

The Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit is exceptionally easy to set up and use. You don’t need any prior gardening experience to start growing your herbs successfully. The kit also includes a user-friendly mobile app that provides guidance and tips on herb care, making it a perfect choice for beginners.

Comparison with Similar Products

AeroGarden Harvest

AeroGarden Harvest is another popular choice for indoor gardening. It features a hydroponic system and an array of customizable LED lights for optimal plant growth. While it offers more advanced features, it can be a bit complex for beginners.

Back to the Roots Water Garden

The Back to the Roots Water Garden combines herb gardening with aquaponics. It’s an innovative choice for those looking to grow herbs and small fish together. However, it may require more effort in terms of maintenance and setup.

Mindful Design Stackable Indoor Herb Garden

This product is perfect for those with limited space. It features stackable planters that allow you to grow multiple herbs in a compact area. However, it lacks some of the advanced features of the Click & Grow kit, such as the self-watering system.

The Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit, while offering a range of convenient features, does come at a slightly higher price point compared to some of its competitors. However, its efficiency and user-friendly design make it a worthwhile investment for herb enthusiasts.

You can purchase the Click & Grow Kit from various retailers and online marketplaces. It’s readily available in gardening stores, home improvement centers, and e-commerce platforms, providing easy access to this innovative indoor gardening solution.

Pros of the Click & Grow Kit

  • User-friendly and suitable for beginners.
  • Self-watering system for hassle-free maintenance.
  • Smart Soil technology for healthy herb growth.
  • LED grow lights for optimal light conditions.
  • Mobile app for guidance and care tips.

Cons of the Click & Grow Kit

  • Slightly higher price point compared to some competitors.
  • Limited herb varieties available in the Smart Soil capsules.
  • Requires access to electricity for the LED lights.


The Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit offers a convenient and efficient way to grow fresh herbs indoors. Its self-watering system, Smart Soil technology, and user-friendly design make it a top choice for herb enthusiasts, especially for those new to gardening.

While there are alternative products on the market, the Click & Grow kit’s simplicity and effectiveness set it apart.

FAQs about the Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit

1. Can I grow herbs other than what’s available in the Smart Soil capsules?

Yes, you can grow other herbs from seeds of your choice. The Smart Soil capsules are designed for convenience but not limited to specific herbs.

2. How long does it take for the herbs to grow and be ready for harvest?

The growth time varies depending on the herb, but most herbs are ready for harvest within a few weeks to a couple of months.

3. Do I need a green thumb to use the Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit?

No, this kit is designed for both beginners and experienced gardeners. It’s user-friendly and comes with a mobile app for guidance.

4. Can I place the kit in any room in my house?

Yes, as long as there is access to electricity, you can place the Click & Grow kit in any room with adequate space and light.

5. Is the Click & Grow Indoor Herb Garden Kit suitable for growing vegetables?

While it’s primarily designed for herbs, you can experiment with certain vegetables. However, the space and light conditions may limit your choices.

Tower Garden Hydroponics Growing System Sun, 22 Oct 2023 15:02:05 +0000

Tower Garden Hydroponics Growing System

In an era where sustainable agriculture and the pursuit of fresh, locally grown produce are paramount, the Tower Garden Hydroponics Growing System emerges as a game-changer.

This innovative vertical gardening solution is redefining the way we grow plants and vegetables.

In this comprehensive review, we will look into the features and benefits of the Tower Garden, making it clear who should consider investing in this remarkable system.

Some Features of the Tower Garden Hydroponics Growing System

The most striking feature of the Tower Garden is its vertical design. It maximizes space efficiency, allowing you to grow a wide variety of plants in a compact footprint. With its sleek, modern appearance, it’s suitable for gardens, patios, balconies, and even indoor spaces.

The Tower Garden employs a hydroponic system, which means it doesn’t rely on soil. Instead, plants grow in a nutrient-rich water solution. This method promotes faster growth and allows plants to absorb nutrients more efficiently, leading to healthier, more abundant harvests.

Utilising an Automated Watering System: the Tower Garden is equipped with a built-in water pump and timer. This automated system ensures that your plants receive a consistent supply of water and nutrients. It’s a significant advantage, especially for those who might not have the time for daily maintenance.

LED Grow Lights: For indoor or low-light environments, These energy-efficient lights provide the ideal spectrum of light for plant growth, ensuring that your crops thrive year-round, regardless of external conditions.

By eliminating the need for soil and reducing water consumption, Tower Garden is an environmentally conscious choice. It encourages sustainable agriculture and is a step towards reducing the carbon footprint of traditional farming.

Setting up the Tower Garden is straightforward, and it comes with an easy-to-follow manual. Even those with minimal gardening experience can assemble it without hassle.

Whether you want to grow herbs, vegetables, fruits, or even decorative flowers, the Tower Garden can accommodate a wide range of plants. It’s a versatile system that suits the needs of both novice and experienced gardeners.


You have Year-Round Gardening: with the Tower Garden’s LED grow lights and controlled environment, you can enjoy fresh produce throughout the year, regardless of the season. This is especially beneficial for those in regions with harsh winters or limited outdoor space.

The vertical design of the Tower Garden allows you to grow more in less space. This is perfect for urban dwellers, small garden areas, or anyone looking to make the most of limited space.

Hydroponics promotes faster growth and increased yields compared to traditional soil-based gardening. With the Tower Garden, you can harvest crops up to 30% faster, making it an excellent choice for those who value efficiency.

By eliminating soil, many common garden pests and diseases are significantly reduced. This means less need for pesticides or chemical treatments, resulting in cleaner, healthier produce.

The automated watering system and the absence of soil make Tower Garden remarkably low-maintenance. Even those with busy schedules can enjoy gardening without the need for constant care.

Tower Garden is an excellent educational tool for schools and families. It allows children and students to learn about plant growth, biology, and the importance of sustainability in a hands-on way.

Who Should Purchase the Tower Garden Hydroponics Growing System?

If you live in a city where outdoor gardening space is limited or non-existent, the Tower Garden is an ideal solution. It allows you to grow your own fresh produce in the comfort of your apartment or on your balcony.

Those who love gardening and want to take it to the next level will appreciate the Tower Garden’s innovative approach. It’s a fantastic addition for gardeners who are looking for something unique and efficient.

If you prioritize fresh, chemical-free, and nutritious produce, the Tower Garden offers you the opportunity to control the quality of your food. It’s perfect for health-conscious individuals who want to reduce their reliance on store-bought produce.

Restaurants and cafes seeking a source of fresh, locally grown herbs and vegetables will find the Tower Garden to be a valuable addition to their kitchens. It ensures a regular supply of high-quality ingredients.

Hobbyists and Experimenters: If you enjoy experimenting with gardening techniques or simply trying new things, the Tower Garden is an exciting option. It’s an excellent choice for individuals who like to push the boundaries of traditional gardening.

The Tower Garden’s vertical design makes it accessible to people with limited mobility. It eliminates the need for bending and squatting, making gardening more inclusive.

1. Is the Tower Garden suitable for outdoor use only, or can I use it indoors as well?

  • The Tower Garden is versatile and can be used both indoors and outdoors. If you choose to use it indoors, you can further enhance its performance with optional LED grow lights, ensuring year-round growth.

2. What kind of plants can I grow with the Tower Garden?

  • The Tower Garden is designed to accommodate a wide variety of plants, including herbs, vegetables, fruits, and decorative flowers. You can grow everything from tomatoes and lettuce to basil and strawberries.

3. How difficult is it to assemble the Tower Garden?

  • Assembling the Tower Garden is straightforward, and it comes with a comprehensive manual to guide you through the process. Even if you have minimal gardening experience, you should be able to assemble it without any issues.

4. Does the Tower Garden require a lot of maintenance?

  • The Tower Garden is designed to be low-maintenance. The automated watering system ensures that your plants receive a consistent supply of water and nutrients. This means you don’t need to worry about daily watering, making it an excellent choice for busy individuals.

5. Can I use my own seeds and nutrients with the Tower Garden, or do I need to purchase specific ones?

  • While you can use your own seeds with the Tower Garden, it’s recommended to use Tower Garden-specific seedlings and nutrients for optimal results. Tower Garden offers specialized seedlings and nutrient solutions that are specifically tailored to the system, promoting healthier growth and higher yields.


The Tower Garden Hydroponics Growing System is a revolutionary solution for modern gardening challenges. Its vertical design, hydroponic technology, and various features make it a versatile and efficient tool for growing a wide range of plants.

Whether you are an urban dweller, a gardening enthusiast, health-conscious individual, or a family or school looking for an educational gardening project, the Tower Garden offers numerous benefits. It not only provides fresh produce but also promotes sustainability and environmentally friendly practices.

If you’re looking to enhance your gardening experience, enjoy year-round harvests, and contribute to a more sustainable future, the Tower Garden is a wise investment that can transform your relationship with gardening and fresh food.

AMPULLA Ivy – Smart Flowerpots Sat, 21 Oct 2023 17:30:02 +0000 AMPULLA Ivy – Smart Flowerpots
Endless Fun with Over 70 Rich Expressions

In the ever-evolving world of technology, innovation has paved the way for fascinating creations that seamlessly integrate with our lives. AMPULLA Ivy, the Smart Flowerpot, is a testament to the fusion of nature and technology.

This smart flowerpot offers a unique and captivating experience, boasting over 70 rich expressions that can transform any space into a dynamic and vibrant oasis.

In this article, we delve deep into the features and benefits of AMPULLA Ivy and explore why this extraordinary product is a must-have for those who seek a harmonious blend of nature and technology.

The Beauty of AMPULLA Ivy

Smart Technology Meets Nature

AMPULLA Ivy is not just your ordinary flowerpot; it’s a masterpiece of technology and innovation. This smart flowerpot is equipped with state-of-the-art features that allow it to interact with both your plants and your lifestyle. The moment you place your favorite plant in this pot, a world of possibilities opens up.

Over 70 Rich Expressions

One of the most enchanting aspects of AMPULLA Ivy is its ability to express over 70 different emotions. Through a combination of subtle movements, colorful LED lights, and gentle music, this smart flowerpot can convey emotions ranging from happiness and excitement to tranquility and serenity.

The variety of expressions allows you to set the perfect mood for any occasion or simply enjoy the whimsical nature of your plant’s ’emotions.’

The Perfect Addition to Any Space

AMPULLA Ivy is designed to enhance the aesthetics of any environment. Whether you place it in your living room, office, or garden, it becomes an instant conversation starter. The sleek and elegant design seamlessly blends with various decor styles, making it a versatile choice for those who appreciate both style and substance.

Features That Define AMPULLA Ivy

Automatic Plant Care

Gone are the days of worrying about your plant’s well-being when you’re away. AMPULLA Ivy takes care of your plant’s needs with its built-in sensors. It monitors soil moisture, light levels, and even the ambient temperature to ensure your plant thrives.#

Should your plant require water or light, AMPULLA Ivy will notify you through its expressive features.

A Symphony of Light and Sound

The LED lights and gentle music integrated into AMPULLA Ivy create an immersive experience that’s truly mesmerizing.

You can customize the light color and intensity to match your mood or even synchronize it with your music for a dynamic audio-visual treat. It’s the perfect way to unwind after a long day.

Bluetooth Connectivity

AMPULLA Ivy connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth, allowing you to control its various features with ease. Whether you want to change the music, adjust the lighting, or check on your plant’s status, you can do it all with the touch of a button on your phone.

Durable and Easy to Maintain

Made from high-quality materials, AMPULLA Ivy is built to last. Its durable construction ensures it can withstand the test of time. Additionally, it’s easy to clean and maintain, ensuring a hassle-free experience for plant enthusiasts of all levels.

Who Should Purchase AMPULLA Ivy?

AMPULLA Ivy is not limited to a specific audience. Its versatility and unique features make it a compelling choice for various individuals:

Tech Enthusiasts

If you have a penchant for cutting-edge technology and appreciate the seamless integration of smart devices into your life, AMPULLA Ivy is a must-have. Its smart features and Bluetooth connectivity will delight tech-savvy individuals.

Plant Lovers

For those who adore tending to their plants and want to ensure their green friends receive the best care, AMPULLA Ivy’s automatic plant care features provide peace of mind.

Interior Design Aficionados

Interior designers and home decor enthusiasts will find AMPULLA Ivy a fantastic addition to their projects. Its aesthetic appeal and versatility in enhancing spaces make it a valuable asset for creating captivating interiors.

Gift Seekers

Looking for a unique and unforgettable gift? AMPULLA Ivy is an excellent choice for anyone, regardless of their interests. Its ability to convey emotions and create a captivating atmosphere makes it a memorable and thoughtful present.

1. What is AMPULLA Ivy, and how does it work?

AMPULLA Ivy is a smart flowerpot that combines technology and nature. It utilizes sensors to monitor your plant’s needs and expresses its emotions through LED lights and music.

2. Can I customize the expressions of AMPULLA Ivy?

Yes, you can customize the LED lights and music to convey the mood you desire or synchronize them with your preferences.

3. Is AMPULLA Ivy compatible with all types of plants?

Absolutely! AMPULLA Ivy can accommodate a wide variety of plants, making it suitable for plant enthusiasts with different green friends.

4. How does AMPULLA Ivy connect to my smartphone?

AMPULLA Ivy connects via Bluetooth, allowing you to control its features, check on your plant, and make adjustments easily through your smartphone.

5. What makes AMPULLA Ivy a great gift choice?

AMPULLA Ivy’s ability to convey emotions and create captivating atmospheres makes it an ideal and memorable gift for various occasions.


AMPULLA Ivy is a remarkable product that seamlessly combines nature and technology. With over 70 rich expressions, automatic plant care, and a myriad of features, it caters to a broad audience, from tech enthusiasts to plant lovers and interior design aficionados.

Its sleek design and immersive features make it an exceptional addition to any space. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience the endless fun and beauty AMPULLA Ivy can bring to your life.


RAINPOINT Sprinkler Timer WiFi Water Timer Mon, 17 Jul 2023 18:36:16 +0000 RAINPOINT Sprinkler Timer WiFi Water Timer
The Ultimate Water Management Solution

Welcome to the world of advanced irrigation and water management with the RAINPOINT Sprinkler Timer WiFi Water Timer.

In this comprehensive article‘will try to answer all your burning questions about this innovative device, exploring its features and functionalities that make it the top choice for gardeners, homeowners, and professional landscapers alike.

What is the RAINPOINT Sprinkler Timer WiFi Water Timer?

The RAINPOINT Sprinkler Timer WiFi Water Timer is a state-of-the-art irrigation controller designed to bring efficiency and convenience to watering your garden, lawn, or landscape.

This smart device harnesses the power of WiFi technology to enable remote control and management of your watering system, ensuring that your plants receive the right amount of water at the right time.

Key Features and Benefits

 WiFi Connectivity

The RAINPOINT Water Timer’s built-in WiFi connectivity allows you to manage your sprinkler system from anywhere using your smartphone or tablet.

Whether you’re at home or on vacation, simply download the intuitive mobile app, and you’ll have full control over your watering schedule, saving you time and conserving water.

 Smart Watering

This advanced timer utilizes weather data and real-time information to adjust your watering schedule automatically.

By factoring in local weather conditions, the RAINPOINT Water Timer optimizes your watering plan to avoid overwatering and ensures your plants receive just the right amount of water they need.

User-Friendly Interface

With its easy-to-use interface, programming the RAINPOINT Timer becomes a breeze. The app provides a seamless experience, guiding you through the setup process step-by-step, enabling even beginners to set up and manage their watering system effortlessly.

Multi-Zone Control

Whether you have a small garden or an extensive landscape, the RAINPOINT Timer has you covered. Equipped with multi-zone control, you can independently manage different watering zones with unique schedules, ensuring each area receives customized watering based on its specific requirements.

Watering Reports and Insights

Stay informed about your watering habits and make informed decisions to improve plant health. The RAINPOINT app offers watering reports and insights, detailing water usage and providing helpful tips to enhance your irrigation efficiency.

Water Conservation

With its intelligent water management capabilities, the RAINPOINT Timer contributes to water conservation efforts. By preventing unnecessary watering and adjusting schedules based on weather conditions, this device helps you play your part in environmental sustainability.

Durable and Weather-Resistant

Built to withstand the elements, the RAINPOINT Timer boasts robust construction and weather-resistant materials. Rest assured that this device will continue to perform reliably, delivering precise watering schedules even in challenging weather conditions.

How to Set Up the RAINPOINT Sprinkler Timer WiFi Water Timer?

Setting up your RAINPOINT Timer is quick and straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Mount the Timer: Find a suitable location near your sprinkler system, ensuring it is sheltered from direct sunlight and rain.
  2. Connect the Wires: Connect the timer to your existing sprinkler system following the labeled terminals.
  3. Download the App: Visit your app store, download the RAINPOINT app, and create an account.
  4. Pair the Timer: Follow the on-screen instructions to pair the app with the timer via WiFi.
  5. Set up Zones: Define your watering zones in the app and assign a name to each area (e.g., Front Lawn, Flower Bed, Vegetable Garden).
  6. Customize Schedules: Create custom watering schedules for each zone, considering plant type and sunlight exposure.
  7. Activate Smart Watering: Enable the smart watering feature to let the RAINPOINT Timer adjust schedules based on weather forecasts.
  8. Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on your watering reports and make adjustments as needed to optimize plant health and water conservation.

Here are five similar products to the RAINPOINT Sprinkler Timer WiFi Water Timer that offer smart water management solutions:

  1. 1. GreenGarden Smart Watering System:GreenGarden Smart Watering System is a top-notch irrigation controller that allows you to manage your garden’s watering schedule with ease. With its WiFi connectivity and user-friendly app, you can remotely control and adjust watering settings based on real-time weather data.
  2. 2. AquaSmart Smart Irrigation Timer:AquaSmart Smart Irrigation Timer offers advanced features for precise water management. Its intelligent sensor technology detects soil moisture levels and adjusts watering accordingly, ensuring your plants receive just the right amount of water they need.
  3. 3. HydrateHub WiFi Garden Sprinkler Controller:The HydrateHub WiFi Garden Sprinkler Controller is an efficient water timer designed to conserve water while maintaining a lush garden. Its weather-based scheduling and easy-to-navigate app make it an excellent choice for both beginners and seasoned gardeners.
  4. 4. SmartSprout Remote Watering Device:SmartSprout Remote Watering Device provides a seamless watering experience, enabling you to set up customized schedules for different zones in your garden. Its intelligent water-saving technology ensures water is utilized optimally, promoting healthy plant growth.
  5. 5. WaterWise Landscape Irrigation System:WaterWise Landscape Irrigation System is a reliable and eco-friendly smart watering solution. With its weather-responsive capabilities, it adjusts watering schedules based on current weather conditions, helping you conserve water and save on utility bills.


Investing in the RAINPOINT Sprinkler Timer WiFi Water Timer brings unparalleled convenience and efficiency to your gardening and landscaping efforts. With its intelligent features, user-friendly interface, and dedication to water conservation, this device is the perfect companion for any gardening enthusiast or professional landscaper.

Enhance your watering system with the RAINPOINT Timer today and experience the joy of a thriving, lush landscape while contributing to a greener, more sustainable planet.

WYZE Sprinkler Controller Review Mon, 10 May 2021 19:53:24 +0000 On this page we are going to walk you through the WYZE Sprinkler Controller which is another choice that you have for an automatic irrigation controller, otherwise known as an automatic sprinkler. This will allow you to automatically water your garden and this particular brand is well known in the smart home industry, they have everything from indoor and outdoor security cameras and if you’re looking for something that is proven to work with Wi-Fi then this may be what you need.

With this product they do tend to be fairly technical in terms of look and feel, so if you want something that really allows you to have one of the latest products for a smart home then this would make for a very good choice.

On this page we will walk you through all of the features that you get with the WYZE Sprinkler Controller, we will also take a look at the ratings of this product that we have given it after checking out all of the reviews around the web. One of the best things you can do if you are thinking of buying a product is to check out real reviews so you can see what people are saying about the product, even if a product is getting good reviews, you can read all of the good and the bad.

We have researched and come up with a rating that will let you know overall what we think about the product. The other thing that we will do is give you some information on who we think this is for, after all it is an automatic sprinkler, but the features may lend themselves to someone looking for something easy or someone looking for something with the most options.

We will walk you through each of these so you know exactly what you are getting for your money, we will then give you a verdict on the product and also recommend on where to buy this to save the most money and make sure that you can get set up quickly and easily.

If you are in a hurry and you just want to check out the WYZE Sprinkler Controller you can click here and go straight through to We recommend ordering from Amazon because you will be able to see the full feature list, you can also compare this with other products in the same area and you will also be able to read all of the reviews that have come in for this product and most of the time they will update with videos and pictures so you can actually see in action.

Lastly, another really good reason why you want to check this out at is because you will be able to get a warranty at the same time as well is anything that goes with this product in the frequently bought together deals.

Click here to check out the WYZE Sprinkler Controller at…

WYZE Sprinkler Controller Ratings:

Our Rating: 4/5

The WYZE Sprinkler Controller quite simply gives you a very good controller for the money, you will also know that you are getting an upcoming brand name in the smart home niche. As mentioned above they tend to have security cameras both indoors and outdoors and it will allow you to get something that you can use to be able to automatically water your garden.

One of the key features of this product is the app, as you will have a lot of options here that are very easy to use, and we think that based on the reviews that we have seen around the web most people are very happy with the product.

We will also tell you about some of the key features when we were reviewing and looking around to see what people are saying, these were the features that came up time and time again people singing the praises of:


If you are looking for something that gives you ultimate control and a lot of smart features then it is well worth looking at the WYZE Sprinkler Controller, it will give you plenty of features that you will use and some that you may not even use! If you’re looking for the most features for your money you should check out one of the reviews that we have done on an Orbit automatic sprinkler, that said this will give you a very good product with all of the features that you need.

We will talk more about the features further down the review but just a glance you can see that you would get all of the main features that you need, you will also get several features to do with automatic programming if you wanted to be able to work out the weather and water the garden itself based on the weather conditions.

Alexa integration:

This will also work very well if you are looking for a smart home set up and you use Alexa. You should be able to connect this without any issues and it will allow you to speak to the sprinkler and command it this way. Obviously, there will be commands that you will need to learn, and they are all included in the manual so you can use this if you are looking to use your voice to command the system.


As this is connected via Wi-Fi, we do not think that you will have a problem with it, and it will give you something that should work seamlessly. One thing that we do say on any product that has Wi-Fi and is a smart home product is you need to make sure that you have a strong enough connection to be able to use this.

The connection that it gives you should work fine but if you have a week connection then obviously that will affect the level of connection that you are able to get, so this is something worth bearing in mind when you are using this product and if you want to remain connected, we highly recommend that you get a Wi-Fi strengthener if you need it.

One of the things that you can do before you buy this product is to go to the place that you want to install this product. Check your Wi-Fi signal with your mobile phone, if it does not connect to Wi-Fi then you will know that the sprinkler will not reach. Then just make sure that you pick up a good Wi-Fi extender and then test your mobile phone, if you can now connect with an extender, you will be ready to go, and we recommend using extender anyway as this will be stationed outside in your God.


Another area that peoples were generally happy with the technical support. This is really refreshing because it means that you will get a good level support and you will be able to contact them if you have any problems. If you’re looking for a product that will give a good support, then you will definitely find it here.

Who Is This For?

We recommend the WYZE Sprinkler Controller to anyone that already likes this brand. As we mentioned above, they have quite a few different smart home products out there on the web, they are up-and-coming in the smart home niche and people seem relatively happy with their products.

We would say if you wanted to have an absolute guarantee that your smart sprinkler will work the way you want it to, we recommend going for an Orbit, as this is one of the best-known brands online.

However, if you’re looking for a load of features and also a fantastic price as well as a sprinkler that has been proven to work well based on the reviews and the feedback then you cannot go wrong with the WYZE Sprinkler Controller.

In short, if you want to take a little bit of a chance but get something that you can use and that is easy to set up then we highly recommend checking out the WYZE Sprinkler Controller.

Click here to check out the WYZE Sprinkler Controller at…

We will now take a look at the features that you get with the WYZE Sprinkler Controller and explore each one in turn:

WYZE Sprinkler Controller Features:

Water from Anywhere: Manually start and stop watering from anywhere with the Wyze app.

Weather-Based Watering*: Water when your plants are thirsty, not when it’s raining. The advanced Smart Schedule algorithm uses hyper-local weather data to automatically decide when to water each zone. Be confident that your lawn and plants are always taken care of. (*Requires Sprinkler Plus – 1 year included.)

Simple Scheduling: Create fixed schedules to water your plants on specific days of the week, including dedicated sunrise/sunset settings.

DIY Installation: Wyze Sprinkler replaces your existing controller in less than 20 minutes and automatically creates a schedule for you after setup.

Stay Notified: Turn on notifications to know when your system starts or stops watering.

As you can see above you get a wide range of features, but they also stay very specific to giving you a very capable automatic water sprinkler.

The first feature that really stands out is that you will be able to water from anywhere, you can manually start and stop watering from anywhere with the app. This is a fantastic feature on its own and the fact that you will be able to do this manually whenever you want is a really good thing.

One of the other key features of this product is that you will get watering based on the weather conditions in your area, the way this works is that the advanced Smart schedule algorithm will use local weather data to automatically decide whether it needs to be working. This means that you don’t even need to worry about running this manually and you will have the system automatically checking your weather reports so you garden will always get the right amount of water. One thing to bear in mind with this feature is that you need something called sprinkler plus, this is a membership that you will be able to get with the WYZE Sprinkler Controller and you will get one year included for free but bear in mind there will be a subscription fee after that.

You also get the ability to set up a simple scheduling, this means that you will be able to create fixed schedules to water your plants on specific days of the week, you can even set this for dedicated sunrise and sunset settings as that is the best time to water your plants so now you can do it automatically.

You will also be able to install this yourself with a DIY installation as it will replace your existing controller in less than 20 minutes, and it will automatically create schedule for you after setup based on what you used to use. This is a nice feature and if you have an existing controller than this will be very easy to set up.

You can also set this up for notifications to know when your system starts or stops watering and that means that you will be able to know exactly what is happening.

Stand out Features:

Easy Set Up:

If you are thinking about going for this product and you just want a few other pointers, then one of the key features that you will get with this is easy set up. It is definitely a standout feature and if you are worried about setting up, we highly recommend getting someone that knows how to replace a controller to set this up for you. You should be able to do it just fine and you will also find lots of information on YouTube that guides you through how to set this up, in the reviews that we had a look through on the web most people were happy with how easy the setup was.

Weather AI:

As with some of the other smart sprinklers that we have had a look at you will be able to use the weather condition AI. This is one of the main features of this smart sprinkler and you will be able to navigate it using the app and you should have no problems with this at all. The only downside if you do not want a monthly subscription is that after a year you will need to pay subscription, you also need to go for the subscription to be able to have this free trial for you.

Easy Scheduling:

Apart from that you will see generally that this is very easy to set up and gives you simple scheduling. Even if you are doing this manually you will find it relatively easy to do and it means that you will be able to get up and running with no problems at all.

This gives you a very easy to use scheduler that means that you can start programming you a simple setup that will get the job done every time,


We highly recommend the WYZE Sprinkler Controller, it gives you a fantastic system and something that is very easy to set up. As mentioned above if you have already used WYZE then this would be a great way to pick up a product that you already know will work seamlessly.

If you want something that is based on easy set up and also that gives you all of the features that you need as well is not minding paying a monthly fee after a year, then this would be a fantastic choice.

Make sure that you pick up the two-year or the three-year protection at Amazon and then you don’t need to worry if it does break, also check out the frequently bought together deals as you will be able to see other products that may well go with this.

Lastly, make sure that you check out any of the reviews if you are still unsure whether or not go for this product, but we think you will be very pleased with the package here.

Click here to check out the WYZE Sprinkler Controller at…

Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller Review Thu, 06 May 2021 22:12:30 +0000 In this review we are going to take a look at the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller, we have previously also taken a look at the other Orbit sprinkler controller, which is a very close fit to this one, so if you are comparing the two then it would be a good idea to check out both of these reviews.

In short, if you’re looking at the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller which is the product that we are reviewing on this page then it will give you something that is slightly more powerful and that will give you all of the features that you need to be able to get the job done.

This has some key characteristics that will give you slightly more power and it also has the ability to be able to be used indoors or outdoors as well as with a larger patch of land that you need to water.

We will walk you through exactly what you get, and we will also explore each of the features in turn. The first thing that we will do is give you an overview of the ratings, to get these ratings we have been around the web and checked out the reviews coming in for the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller.

We will tell you our personal rating for this product based on all of those reviews and we will also tell you the key points that come up time and time again both good and bad about this product, this will give you a well-rounded view of the product and it means that if you are considering buying this will know what it does well but you also will know what people were not that keen on. This is really the best thing that you can do if you are looking to buy the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller, take some time to check out some customer reviews.

The place we recommend researching the reviews is, you will be able to see all of the reviews that left, and people tend to leave a rating of the product and will also tell you how they got on with it, you will be able to see whether they are happy and if they aren’t you can also see exactly why in the description.

The other reason that you will want to check out Amazon and the reviews is because they commonly come back to update their review after months, if the product stops working or if they found something that they did not like or even if it does not work as well is when they purchased it you will be able to see it all there.

If you are in a hurry and you just want to check out some of the reviews, you can click the link below and go straight through:

Click here to check out the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller at…

The first thing that we will look at some of the ratings that we have given this product and where we felt that this excels based on the feedback from around the web.

Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller Rating:

Overall: 4/5

We think you will find everything that you are looking for with the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller it is quite a powerful sprinkler controller, and it will give you a lot more features than some of the other choices. If you are looking at setting up complicated programs, or if you want something to cover a lot of land and the other reason to buy this as if you wanted to be proactive and actually work to read the weather for you then this would be a fantastic choice.

The main reason this has such a high rating from us is because the reviews that we saw were very positive so you are getting something that you can use, and we think you will find it relatively easy to set up, but it is also very powerful.

Some of the key areas that came up based on the reviews were:


If you are looking for a smart sprinkler but you wanted to be able to do everything that it possibly can then this would be a really good choice. One thing that we saw is that in terms of features that you get for this product there are not many with this many smart features of this one.

You may even find it if it is your first smart sprinkler too many features. So, if you are just looking for something that is simple to use and setup then it would be too much, however if you already know that you have a lot of ground to cover and you also want to be able to pair it with several home automation products then it would make for a particularly good choice to go for this one.

Easy to Install:

Despite the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller being packed with features you will also find it relatively easy to install. It will come with full instructions guiding you through how to do this and we do not think that you will have any problems, just because it has a lot of features does not mean that it is difficult to install, and you will be able to get up and running relatively simply with this product.


Wifi comes up time and time again in reviews and is a very difficult rating, essentially you need to make sure that you have a strong Wi-Fi connection in order to use this product. We did find some reviews where they were not happy with the range of the Wi-Fi but on closer inspection, we found that it may be their set up that was just not giving as much range as needed.

This will give you a fantastic set up and you should be absolutely fine using this with no problems, however if you do find that your Wi-Fi signal is not very strong then we recommend making sure that you have a Wi-Fi extender and then you will not have to worry and you will know that this will work seamlessly.


Another area that we do not think that you will have to worry about is the user interface, even though there are many features with this product you should find the interface simple and easy to be able to navigate around.

If you’re searching for something that will give you everything that you need and you also want something that is relatively easy to use in terms of the user interface, then this would be a fantastic product for you.

Verdict on Features:

The Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller will not be for everyone and that is because it will literally be too powerful for most people that just need a simple smart sprinkler.

However, if you have had a look at some of our other choices and you find that they simply do not have enough features for you and you want something that gives you it all, this is the product to go for and it will definitely fit the bill in that regard.

We highly recommend checking out some of the reviews over so you can see what people saying about the product, also be able to see some of the negatives when you go through there which are very far and few between, but it will give you a good picture of the product.

If you are in a hurry and you just want to check out the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller, you can click here and go straight through to to check it out:

Click here to check out the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller at…

We will now take a look at the features that you get with the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller:

Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller Features:

Here are the main features that you get in terms of function with the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller:

ULTIMATE WIFI AND TIMER CONTROL – The B-hyve app is fully functional for Android, iOS or web devices and gives you control wherever you need it. Program your timer on the app, at the timer, or let the weather-based software create a program for you.

SMART WATERING – Weather Sense technology provides watering based on site conditions such as slope, soil type, sun/shade, historical ET and live weather feeds. It automatically adjusts your controller to deliver the right amount of water to your plants.

EASY TO INSTALL AND USE – Utilize the swing panel for easy access to the angled wiring terminals, which makes wiring simple and convenient and the plug-and-go line cord that can also be cut for hardwired applications.

CERTIFIED TO SAVE WATER AND MONEY – B-hyve is EPA WaterSense approved and certified, ensuring it will save you water and energy. This can also make your B-hyve timer eligible for local rebates, which can save up to 100% of the cost on your timer.

DURABILITY AND SECURITY – The Orbit B-hyve Wi-Fi sprinkler timer comes in a weather-resistant case, allowing you to mount your timer indoors or outdoors without risk of weather damage and a locking cabinet that keeps your timer safe from harm.

WATER SAVINGS – Integrate your B-hyve timer with use of Catch Cups (Orbit 26250) to save up to 50% more water than with traditional controllers. Optimize the way you water, so you can keep everything lush and green without breaking the bank.

VOICE CONTROL – Works with Amazon Alexa for voice control (Alexa device sold separately). Visit for a quick guide on how you can use your B-hyve with Alexa to control your watering with a simple phrase.

USE WITH 110V ONLY – Compatible and compliant only with North American electrical outlets. International versions are available for markets outside North America.

As you can see above you will get a wide range of features and one of the main features is the timer control as well is very good Wi-Fi so you should have no problems being able to set the timer and use the Wi-Fi. You will be able to program your time on the app, you can also do this at the time or the other thing you can do is let the smart feature that is able to predict the weather create program for you.

The way this works is that it will predict the weather conditions and only sprinkle the garden when there is sunshine, this means that you don’t have to worry about wasting any water and it will give you a great smart program.

The smart watering feature is governed by something called Weather Sense technology that will provide watering based on site conditions and it will also use the slope, soil type as well is the sun and shade settings and even things such as the historical ET and live weather feeds to be able to work for you. The great thing is that it will automatically adjust to your controller to deliver the right amount of water to your plants.

Despite having this powerful feature, you will find that this is very easy to install and use and you can utilise the swing panel for easy access to the wiring terminals, this means that although there is some wiring to do it makes it very simple and convenient and the plug and go line cord can also be cut for hardwired applications. We recommend getting some help you are thinking that you are going to struggle with this, but you will find it relatively easy to do.

This is also certified to save to and money as it is EPA certified, this means that you will save water and energy and you should be able to go for local rebates which means you can save up to 100% the cost of your timer, the main thing to remember here is that that will vary depending on the company that you are with, but this does give you an EPA registered water sprinkler.

You will also find that this gives you great durability and security and it will come with a weather resistant case, this means that you can mount it indoors or outdoors and you don’t need to worry about the risk of weather damage, and you will even get a locking cabinet that will keep your timer safe from harm. So, this has everything thought about and you should have no problems setting this up and using it or any worries about security.

If you are using this for energy-saving than the other thing that you can do is integrate this with the use of Catch Cups, these are sold separately by the same company and it will also allow you to save up to 50% more water than with traditional controllers, this means that you can optimise the where you water so you can keep everything lush and green without breaking the bank which is a fantastic product.

As this is a smart product the other thing that it does is even give you the options of using voice control, this will work with Amazon Alexa and you can also get a full list of commands from the website there are always being added. If you like to use the Alexa function it will allow you to use your voice and make sure that you are programming and controlling your watering with this feature.

One thing that you should bear in mind which is more to do with the setup is that you need to use this with 110 V only it is also compatible and compliant only with North American electrical outlets, International versions are available for markets outside North America however the product that we have reviewed here is for North America.


The Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller will give you a great controller that you can use if you’re looking for something slightly more advanced and something that will cover a far larger area.

We think you will find everything that you need with this product, we also highly encourage you to ghost through to and check out some of the reviews so you can see what people saying and also be sure to check out the frequently bought together deals.

As mentioned above you will be able to find products that are able to pair with this and if you want to further energy save then this would be a fantastic chance to pick them up as you can normally save on a bundle.

Make sure that you also check out the warranty options as they are well worth having and that means that you don’t have to worry if the worst was to happen, the other thing that you will want to make sure is that you get help with installation if you are going to have problems setting up.

Apart from that, if you’re looking for one of the best smart sprinklers with all of the features that you can possibly imagine then this is a great choice.

Check out the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller through the link below:

Click here to check out the Orbit 57946 B-hyve Smart 6-Zone Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler Controller at…

Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller Review Wed, 05 May 2021 18:48:19 +0000 This review will cover the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller which will give you a very popular irrigation control otherwise known as a smart sprinkler. If you’re looking for something that will automatically water your garden, but it will also give you some advanced features, it gives you the ability to program exactly when and even gives you the option to hand over control to the sprinkler entirely which means that it will not water on a rainy day for instance.

We will walk you through exactly what you get with the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller, we have also been around the web to have a look at the ratings of this product and we will tell you what we would recommend as a score for this product and we will also tell you some of the main points that have been mentioned time again that are really good points for this product. If you are comparing with other smart sprinklers that will help you to decide which one to go for, we will also give you an idea of who should buy this and who will not be very pleased with it.

This gives you all of the information that you need to make sure that you are getting a great smart sprinkler.

We will also walk you through the features and explain each feature in turn as well as the pros and cons and any problems that you may come up against, lastly we will recommend on where to purchase this to make sure that you get the best deal in terms of savings and also any extras that you have to pick up at the same time which are worth it if you want to get the full use out the sprinkler.

Another key aspect that we will cover with this product specifically is the setup, a lot of people won a smart sprinkler but not many people want to go through all of the pain of having to set this up and then find you have done it wrong, so we will give you an idea on how strong your Wi-Fi needs to be and what the setup processes.

If you are in a hurry and you just want to check this out at the recommended place to buy this then you should click the link below and go straight through to

Click here to check out the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller at…

Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller Rating:

Overall, 4/5

Based on our research we would recommend the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller as a 4/5 rating. As long as you are buying for the right reasons that we will cover in this review you should be absolutely fine using this, and you will get a lot of use out of it.

We will also tell you any downsides that come up, but this has been very well received and is well ranked on pretty much every e-commerce site that we found it.

You can also pick from a 4 zone or if you have a larger patch of land that you need to be able to water you can pick an 8 zone and you will be able to use this.

The key features of this product that will receive very well include:

How easy this is to install:

If you are after a smart sprinkler but you do not want to have something that is very complex, then this would be a fantastic choice. You will find that it gives you all of the features that you need but you will not find that it is too difficult to install, in fact having a look around the web this product was rated very easy to install and this is an area that you receive the highest rating for.

This means that if you are buying on ease of installation then this is definitely something that you want to put on your shortlist.

Wi-Fi signal:

Another key element when you are buying a smart sprinkler is the Wi-Fi signal that is omitted from the sprinkler itself, you need to make sure that this is strong, and you also need to make sure that this will connect your network as if it does not it essentially renders the entire thing useless.

You will be pleased to know that the Wi-Fi signal that you get from the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller has been rated very highly and we don’t think you will have a problem with it.

However, please make sure that you have a strong enough Wi-Fi connection from your router at the place that you want to be able to install the sprinkler. The sprinkler can have a very strong Wi-Fi connectivity but if the router is too far away then it simply will not connect. One of the easiest ways to get around this problem is to make sure that you purchase a Wi-Fi extender if you need one and then you can be sure that the connection will be good. If you keep on losing the connection, then it can be a pain to use because it essentially means that you will have to reconnect to be able to use the sprinkler and it could lose all of the program settings.

Remote control:

Another area that has been rated really highly is the fact that you will get a very simple remote control that is easy to use but it will give you all of the features that you need in order to program this. If you do not want to use the app you can simply set everything with the remote control, and it will give you another option when you are using this to make sure that you water your garden.

Easy to use:

When you buy the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller you will also be using something that has been rated very highly on how simple it is to use. If this is your first smart sprinkler then it will be a fantastic purchase and we do not think you will have any problems with this and you will be able to get up and running quickly and easily, this was another feature that was rated highly pretty much everywhere that we researched this product online.


One of the things that we look for in reviews is the support and people complaining about it. You will be pleased to know that the general consensus of the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller and the support was very good. This is great if you are worried about buying a smart sprinkler and having to set this up it means that you don’t need to be, and you will have the support on hand if you need them to be able to help you through the process.

Verdict on Feedback:

If you are just looking for a very quick buying guide, we would recommend based on all of the features that have been rated highly above that this is fantastic as a smart sprinkler for your first purchase.

If you need something that will do everything that you need it to and water your garden, but you will also be looking for something that is not very complicated to use then this will definitely fit the bill and you will be able to get up and running quickly and easily.

You will also find the technical support has been rated very highly, we also highly recommend that you make sure that you have a strong enough Wi-Fi connection as this did come up a few times and if you have a week connection then you really need to get a Wi-Fi extender, and this is nothing to do with the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller.

If you’re looking to save on the Water Bill and have something that has been rated highly pretty much everywhere that we researched, then this is a great choice.

Let us have a look at the features:

Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller Features:

Here are the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller features:

  • WI-FI CAPABLE: Fully functional with Android, iOS or web app for total control, wherever you need it.
  • FREE APP: Easy programming from the B-hyve App in both Adroid and iOS platforms
  • LIVE WEATHER FEEDS: WeatherSense technology provides smart watering based on site conditions such as slope, soil type, sun/shade, and historical ET.
  • MULTI FUNCTIONALITY: Operates with or without Wi-Fi connectivity by storing app-set programs on the timer.
  • MANUAL OVERRIDE: When you need access to your water, but don? t wants to cancel or change your watering programs.
  • BLUETOOTH: Fast and easy pairing using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi Technology
  • SAFETY FEATURES: Built-in fault detection and surge protection


  • CONVENIENT: Plug-and-go line cord and transformer
  • SUPPORTS: Master valve and pump relay setups.

When you go through to purchase the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller at the first thing that we would recommend is that you check the size that you need as you can also go for an 8-zone product that will cover a far larger space.

The product that we reviewed here is for the 4 zone.

You will find that it is Wi-Fi capable gives you a fully functional device that will work with android, it will also work with iOS and it is compatible with an app that you can download, this means that you can use this whenever you need it, and it is extremely easy to use. Whether you are using with the remote control or whether you are using with an Apple or android you will find all of the features work seamlessly.

This is a great feature if you have been looking for a compatible android smart sprinkler for instance you will find that this works with both and not just Apple.

You also get a free downloadable app; this means that you will get easy programming and you can use this in both the android and the iOS platforms to be able to get up and running.

The other interesting thing about this product is that it will also use something called WeatherSense technology that will provide smart watering based on site conditions such as slope, soil type as well is sun and shade and historical ET.

This means that when you are watering your garden using this system it is able to get a well-rounded picture of the weather report so you can just use only the energy that it needs, you will never have to worry about this automatically watering your garden when rain is due for instance, with the historical map that it is able to build it also means that you could save money on your energy bills.

This will also give your multifunctionality and it will operate with or without Wi-Fi and you can store certain things on the timer, this is a really great feature if you are worried about the Wi-Fi connectivity that we have mentioned above and you do not have a strong connection or a connection that stretches far then this is a great feature that means that you can still use this and you won’t need to worry.

It will also give you a manual override and that means that when you need access to your water, but you do not want to cancel your watering programs you can use the manual override and it will stop momentarily for you to use all of the water that you need.

This is also very easy to pair with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi technology so if you want to pair it with Bluetooth just make sure that you are nearer and you can do it on the fly which is a great feature and means that you can customise exactly how it works.

The other thing that it will give you are some safety features such as a built-in fault detection and a surge protection, this means that you should not have to worry about any nasty leaks, and you should not have to worry about any water pressure problems because if it does sense any it will automatically stop working.

When you go to buy a smart sprinkler, it is also nice to know that this is EPA WAterSense and SWAT certified, so you do not need to worry.

The other thing that it will give you is the ability to use this with either a Master valve and also a pump relay set up so that means that you don’t need to worry about the setup that you are using, and you will be able to get up and running with this quickly and easily.


If you are looking for a fantastic smart sprinkler then you will definitely find it with the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller. Nearly everywhere we looked online this has received some fantastic feedback and we think you will be very pleased with what you are getting here.

The beauty of this product is that you can make it as complicated as you like and change many of the options to make it automatic and judge when it is about to rain or when it is going to be sunshine. You can also have it build a picture of the history of the weather conditions in the area and that means that you can get very advanced and how it works.

The flipside of this is that you can buy this in installer easily and it will automatically water your garden without any problems at all and you will be up and running in no time.

One of the biggest features that you get with the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller is the fact that you can use this with Wi-Fi, you can also use it with Bluetooth on the fly or even if you do not want to have to use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth it will still save all of the settings and this might be fantastic for you if you do not like worrying about Internet connections.

We highly recommend checking this out at and we think you will find everything that you are looking for here, just make sure that you check out the warranty options as we would suggest that and then you don’t need to worry if something goes wrong.

With the technical support that we have mentioned above we do not think that you will have many problems with it and the technical support are very good so you will be able to get up and running. If you do run into any problems, you can simply call the technical support and get help when you need it.

Lastly, make sure that when you go through to you check out the frequently bought together deals as you will commonly see some great deals that will go hand-in-hand with this product, and they are worth looking at.

If you’re looking for a very powerful simple to use smart sprinkler then we would recommend this is the choice for a great irrigation system:

Click here to check out the Orbit B-hyve 4-Zone Smart Indoor Sprinkler Controller at…

Sprinkl Control Review Sat, 01 May 2021 19:57:46 +0000 On this page we are going to look at the Sprinkl Control which will give you a fantastic automatic watering system for your plants otherwise known as an irrigation system. The main difference with this is that it will give you a smart device that allows you to do this on the fly, you will be able to program it and also do lots more and hook up to your home automation system.

If you’re looking for something that will give you a vast array of options to be able to control the maintenance of your garden without lifting a finger, then you are in the right place.

The other thing that you should know about the Sprinkl Control is that at the time of writing which is April 2021 is currently the highest rated product, this does not mean that it is the bestselling but in terms of customer review this is the one that has the most favourable feedback.

The Rachio 3, that we had a look at previously was the bestseller, but you will find that the Sprinkl Control is the best in terms of the feedback that it has been receiving. On this page we will give you an in-depth look at the features and we will also explain each one in turn, so you know exactly what this does and what you are getting for your money.

The other thing that we will look at first are the ratings for this product, not only will you see how this scores out of 5 but you will also be able to see the individual features that have been rated highly and that is always good to know especially if you are comparing this with other automatic watering systems for the garden, it will give you the edge and you will be able to see that you are getting a product that will work exactly how you want it to.

For instance, you might be looking for a product that will give you great programmable ability and to be able to schedule it exactly the way you want. You may also be looking for a product that is able to predict the weather and automatically water your garden, or not depending on what the weather is doing.

We will make sure that you have all the knowledge you need to make a buying decision. To help with this as well we will look at what people saying about the product, when people leave a review, they commonly will tell people their experiences and even come back to let people know how they have got on with the product. We will have a look at all of this, so you are able to see both the five-star reviews and also the one-star reviews to help you make a buying decision.

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Sprinkl Control Ratings:

The first thing that we will have a look at the ratings for the Sprinkl Control. This will allow you to see exactly what people have thought about the product overall and also what they have rated it individually for each feature.

Overall rating: 4.8 out of 5

You will see as we mentioned above that this has a fantastic rating. It has nearly a perfect score but bear in mind it does not have as many reviews are some of the other choices that we have had a look at. It is fairly new to the market, but it will give you something that is fully updated with all of the home automation systems and it gives you a lot of different features for the money. The other thing that you will be able to see about this product when you go through to is that it works out to be very cost-effective.

Let us take a look at the individual features and see where this has been rated very highly:

Alexa integration: 5/5

If you are looking for a system that will integrate with Alexa, then we would highly recommend going and checking this out today. We have not seen an automatic watering system rated as highly as this in regard to Alexa integration.

If you are currently using Alexa and you want to be able to hook your irrigation system up to it then you should check this one out as it has a perfect score by all of the people that have purchased it.

Smart features: 4.9/5

This device will also give you ever so many smart features so you will be able to use this and configure it exactly the way you want to. We will walk you through some of the features further down the review, but you should know that you can do far more than just program this in and having water your garden at certain times. There is a myriad of features that you will be able to use with this system and chances are you will not use the more, but it gives you the option which is a very nice touch.

Tech support: 4.9/5

One of the ratings that we like the best out of all of these is a support rating that is nearly perfect. This means that if you are looking to purchase this product and you are worried about getting a product that is underpar or having trouble setting it up you can rely on the technical support.

There are very few products that you can say this for even big brand names fall down on support. So, if you are new to using these types of smart products and you want the extra help, we recommend checking this out because of the support rating.

Easy to use: 4.9/5

Despite having all of these features you will find this remarkably easy to use and it gives you a great system that you will be able to get up and running with quickly and easily. You can use this and go as advanced or as basic as you like and you will still find that it does the job you need it to, we will have a look at the features in just a second but first let’s have a look at a five-star review and also a one-star review so you can see the good and bad at both ends of the scale.

Five-star feedback on the Sprinkl Control:

One of the five-star reviews that we found mentioned that they were very happy with this automated sprinkler system. They purchased this for energy-saving and also to make it far easier to the garden.

The first thing they mentioned about this product is a recommendation to watch the install video twice, this is not because it is difficult to install but because you won’t believe your eyes that it will only take 5 minutes and then you will be up and running.

They will also very happy as this connected immediately, you are also able to take photos of each zone which makes it very efficient especially if you have enjoyed the clunkiness of past systems.

Another thing that they mentioned is that this is very easy to program, but all of the options are so addictive that you may spend a lot of your time programming it and reprogramming it to see all of the options.

Another thing that they were very happy with, as we had a look at above on the support ratings if you have a question, you are able to email the owners who respond faster than most companies.

This is a fantastic system, and they were very pleased with the purchase if you’re looking for something that will allow you to do pretty much anything that you need to with an automatic watering system.

Another five-star review mentioned that it takes a lot for them to get excited about the product, but they were very impressed as this product was very well designed and thought out, they mentioned that this stands in a league of its own in terms of the crowded field of tried-and-true irrigation manufacturers.

They even mentioned that the timer that you get with this system will get some of the other companies scrambling to play catch up. The app is also extremely intuitive and well thought out and the price point is perfect. They mentioned to stop reading this and just buy it and you will be very happy with your purchase, where the installation only took them about 15 minutes.

We will now look at the one-star reviews so you can see the contrast:

1 Star Feedback:

One of the one-star reviews that we found mentioned that they were unable to get the app to work, we thought this was a little bit harsh marking it right down as a one-star feedback review when it could have been resolved.

Another one-star feedback review mentioned that there was a wrong power adapter in the box, and they’ve also checked the official website and there are no correct parts in the box.

The good news is that aside from these miscellaneous reviews above there were literally no more one-star reviews for this product. So, with the app, this could have been easily resolved by contacting the support and with the box and all of the parts inside we have no doubt there is either a mistake here that would be rare, or they could have contacted support to get a refund.

Let us take a look at the features that you get with this product and walk you through each one:

Sprinkl Control Features:

EASY TO INSTALL. Takes less than 20 minutes to install with no experience necessary.

AUTONOMOUS. Turn on autonomous watering mode when paired with moisture sensors (sold separately). Sprinkl will keep monitor moisture levels and only water the lawn when required.

STAY INFORMED. Turn on notifications for mobile app to update you on what is happening in your yard. Notifications will let you know when your yard is watering or restricted.

SAVE WATER AND MONEY. Stop watering in the rain. Sprinkl uses local weather conditions to disable watering based on current, past and future rainfall and temperature. No subscription required.

COMPATIBLE. Control by Sprinkl works with Android and Apple mobile phones. Pair Control to your favorite smart home hubs like Amazon Alexa.

As you can see above you get a wide range of features and they claim that this will only take less than 20 minutes to install with no experience necessary, if you want something that you are able to get up and running with quickly then you should check this out as it is very easy to use. In most cases, as we had a look at above in the reviews people were able to get up and running in about 5 to 10 minutes. Someone even mentioned in the reviews, to watch the installation video twice not because it is difficult but because you will not believe how quick it is.

This is also autonomous which means if you buy the additional moisture sensors, these are sold separately but it means that you can make this completely on autopilot. The way it works is it will use those sensors to be able to monitor moisture levels and only water the lawn when required. This makes it very easy to use and it also means that if you did not want to you could simply buy the sensors and use the system to be able to water the lawn any time you wanted without programming.

You will also be able to turn on notifications for your mobile app to update you on what is happening in your yard, the notifications will let you know when your yard is watering or restricted, this is really good, and it means that you have more control, but you can also turn off the notifications if you find them too annoying.

You will also be able to save water and money, the system is set up so it will not water in the rain and it also uses local weather conditions to disable the watering based on current, past and future rainfall and temperature with no subscription required.

The other thing that is really great about this product is that the system is compatible with android and Apple mobile phones, all you need to do is pair control to your favourite smart home hubs like Amazon Alexa and you will be able to get up and running with ease and start using a fantastic system that will work well for you.

We highly recommend checking this out, if you’re looking for something that is super easy to use and that will give you all of the features that you need you really cannot go wrong with the Sprinkl Control.

The main thing that we like the best about this system is that it has impeccable customer support so you cannot run into problems, just make sure that when you go through to you pick up a warranty options, so you are covered. You can also check out some of the reviews yourself and you will see on the product page there is a frequently asked questions section if you have any specific questions about the product the chances are someone else has had the same question. You will be able to see all of the answers on the product page to finalise your purchase.

Lastly, check out the frequently bought together deals as you will commonly be able to save money and also make sure that you check to see if you want to go for the sensors option to fully automate this product.

Check out the Sprinkl Control at below and we think you’ll be very impressed with what you get here:

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Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle Fri, 30 Apr 2021 21:06:45 +0000 This review we are going to be looking at the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle, this is a bundle that will help you to take your gardening to the next level. You fed up with having to water your garden? Do you find it to be at sure that you don’t keep up with?

Are you sick of paying a gardner to water your garden?

Or are you just looking for a very easy way to water your garden?

Then let me introduce the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle, we will be looking at this today and it is the number one bestseller for an automatic irrigation controller, or otherwise known as a smart sprinkler. This little tool quite simply will automate the task of watering your garden, but it is far more advanced than that then gives you lots of features that you can use to get the job done.

We will walk you through the features and exactly what you get, we will also tell you the pros and cons of the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle based on the features that you can see what to look out for and whether this will be the right choice for you. The other thing that we will do is have a look at the customer opinion so you can see exactly what people saying about this product as well as the ratings.

Amazon has a very good rating system it allows you to rate from one star all of the way to 5 stars, a one-star review would be terrible, and a five-star review would be perfect. The thing is, to make your buying decision what is even better is Amazon gives people the opportunity to write down what they liked about the product and also what they did not like. With the reviews you can quite commonly see exactly what they liked about the product and they will sometimes come back to update their review based on the longevity of the product.

This means that quite simply you will always be able to see whether a product is for you and this is exactly the same with the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle.

We will start off by having a look at the ratings that this has achieved and if you are in a hurry, you can click here and go straight through to to check out the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle.

Click here to check out the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle at…

Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle Ratings:

Overall, 4.7/5

The first thing that you will see with this product is that it has a super high score with most people very pleased with their purchase. The reason that this is so good is because 85% of people that purchase this product have rated it five-star. When you weigh in the fact that this is based on nearly 6000 global ratings then it makes it very impressive because it means that you are going to get a product that most likely you will enjoy.

85% of people that purchase this product rated it five-star and a further 9% of people rated it four-star, when you go right down to the one-star reviews only 3% of people that purchase this product rated it one star and that is based on nearly 6000 ratings, so it goes to show you at a glance that this is a very good product.

There are also individual features that are rated highly for instance:

Easy to install: 4.7/5

The Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle has been rated very easy to install so even if this is your first time setting up an automatic sprinkler you don’t need to be worried and you will be able to install this quite easily. You can simply follow the instructions to get up and running and if you get really stuck you will be able to find a YouTube video to show you exactly how to do it which is a really nice touch.

Smart features: 4.5/5

You will of course have many smart features that you can use with the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle, we will explore these a bit further down the review but yes this is an automatic sprinkler, and it will link to your smart home systems to be able to do many things and water your garden in many different ways.

User interface: 4.5/5

When you are navigating yourself around the user interface on the app you will not be confused, and most people rated this very highly and it has a near-perfect score. If you want something that is very easy to use even if you are brand-new to home automation, then you will definitely find it here.

Wi-Fi signal: 4.3/5

This is an important feature. It will need Wi-Fi to be able to connect and to use the home automation systems, however we highly encourage you if you’re going to have this at a point where your Wi-Fi will struggle you need to make sure that you have a Wi-Fi extender. So many people will mark this down when it is actually just their Internet that will not stretch that far, make sure that you can have a strong signal where you want to install this, and you should have no problems as the Wi-Fi will work seamlessly.

Tech support: 4.2/5

It is a really nice touch that the technical support has been rated highly for the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle. If you’re looking to use this and are worried about not getting adequate support, then those fears will be quashed by the rating here.

Alexa integration: 4.1/5

Can you have a smart home system without Alexa integration? We are not sure, but no matter as the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle will connect to Alexa and it will do so easily so you will be able to command the sprinkler with the power of your voice as long as you have an Alexa or an echo device.

We will now take a look at some of the reviews so you can see what people are saying both from a five-star perspective and a one-star perspective that will help you to build some contrast, especially if you’re still weighing up whether the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle is a better choice for you.

Five-star reviews:

A five-star review that we found mentioned that this was their first Rachio product and they were very impressed. They actually purchased this product as a referral from a neighbour and they are glad that they took their advice as they said that this controller is nothing short of awesome.

They found it to be well constructed and had very easy to understand instructions, they also managed to get this set up quickly and easily and the app for your smart phone is very well designed and thought out.

When they left their reviewed, they had been using the device for about 3 weeks and they are very happy with the results. They found the device to be hyper- intelligent and it will run an automated or you can also use it as a manual device.

The benefit of this device is that you can run it every day exactly how you want to, or you can also set it up to monitor the weather conditions in your area and allow it to determine when it needs to water, it will even determine how much water it needs to put down based on the weather reports!

They mentioned that they have a personal weather station on top of their house, and they have connected this device to the weather data received by the PWS. This means that they are getting accurate information and they are also getting smart watering based on actual rainfall.

They went on to say that they were thoroughly impressed and pleased with their purchase, so this is a fantastic review.

Another five-star review mentioned that they purchased this to replace an existing RainBird setup that they had, and they were not overly thrilled with the previous set up. They found their previous setup was programmable, but it was no good at sensing when it is going to rain.

Once I had the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle installed they said that they picked the smart cycle watering and it worked as advertised, this actually split the watering times into 2 separates smaller waterings to reduce the amount of run-off. The other thing that they really liked about the product was that they can pick a single zone and set it up to run the sprinklers as well.

They did mention however that this does not work with the Apple home kit just yet, bear in mind that this review we researched was from 2018.

One Star Feedback:

Although, the one-star reviews were few and far between we thought we would update as that will allow you to see exactly where people were having problems.

The first one-star review that we found said that they needed help from their technical support, and they did not get anywhere. They also mentioned that they found the scheduling too complex for their needs and they could not work out how to get it working to be able to water the garden. After a lot of stress, they contacted the technical support, and they did not get any joy.

A further one-star review mentioned that it will not work with the iPhone 11, they said that it was very easy to install but it would not connect to the Wi-Fi. After they had tried everything, they called the helpline, and they asked a lot of questions and kept putting them on hold. After explaining that they had an iPhone 11 the phone operator got back to them and said that the system is not working with the iPhone 11 currently, this of course led to a one-star review as they were not made aware of this before their purchase.

Finally, another one-star review that we found mentioned they really liked the product, but it only worked for several months until the scheduling function just stopped working, this is of course something to bear in mind, but we think they will more unlucky than anything else.

Verdict on the feedback:

With a product like the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle, we do not think you will have many problems with this because the overwhelming feedback that comes through for this product is five-star. With so many reviews and so many sales and so much praise for the product we would not let the one-star reviews above put you off.

However, if you are really unsure, we recommend that you test out the customer support yourself as then you will not need to worry, and you can set your mind at rest.

We also encourage you to check out the customer reviews yourself at so you can read some more of them and find out the things that people loved and also the things that they were not keen on.

Let us have a look at the features of the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle:

Bundle Includes our Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller (Alexa and Apple Home Kit Compatible with Hyperlocal Weather Intelligence) & our Rachio Weatherproof Outdoor Enclosure (custom designed and fully weatherproofed for outdoor use to protect your Rachio controller).

Avoid watering in the rain. Exclusive weather intelligence plus automatically skips unnecessary watering with features like rain skip, wind skip, freeze skip, and more.

Control from anywhere with the easy-to-use app. Run sprinklers, view upcoming schedules, and observe your estimated outdoor water usage.

Experience fast DIY installation. Rachio Smart sprinkler controllers replace 99% of existing sprinkler controllers. Install in 30 minutes or less with no special tools needed. Our in-app installation tutorial helps you get online and watering in no time!

Deliver all the water your plants need; no more, No less. Rachio creates tailored Smart schedules based on the specific needs of your lawn, including plant type, soil type, sun exposure, and more.

Save money and water! See up to 30-50% savings on your monthly water bill!

The Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle will give you a fantastic bundle and included you will get something that will work with Alexa, it is also compatible with the Apple home kit and it is compatible with hyper- local weather intelligence that we mentioned before in one of the reviews.

It will also give you a weatherproof outdoor enclosure, this is custom-designed and fully weatherproofed for outdoor use to protect your controller. You will get this in the bundle.

With this system you will not have to worry about watering in the rain as the weather intelligence system will automatically skip unnecessary watering with features like rain skip, wind skip it even has a freeze skip and much more. This means that not only can you set this up to be able to water your garden at a time that you wish but you can even have it work out itself whether the weather is too bad for watering. For instance, if it is raining or snowing then you do not really need to water the garden at that point and this system will automatically take control and stop.

You will also be able to control this from anywhere with the easy-to-use app. There are many choices that you can use such as being able to run the sprinklers, view the upcoming schedules and observe your estimated outdoor water usage.

Another thing that is really good about the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle despite it being powerful you will be able to use a very fast DIY installation and it will also replace 99% of existing sprinkler controllers. You should be able to install this in just 30 minutes or less with no special tools needed and you will get and in app installation tutorial that shows you exactly how to get online and watering in no time.

This means that you can deliver all the water that you need to your plants and also do much more. The really awesome thing is that this goes further and will give you smart schedules based on your specific needs of the lawn, even including the plant type, the soil type and the sun exposure. You should also be able to save money as you can save up to 30 to 50% savings on your monthly water bill depending on who you are with as they sometimes give discounts for using these systems.


We highly recommend the Rachio 3 Smart Sprinkler Bundle as a smart sprinkler. There is a reason why it has five-star feedback, and we think you will be absolutely fine with this product and will be able to get up and running quickly.

The only thing that we would recommend is to make sure that you check out some of the reviews yourself so you can see exactly what people have been saying about it, the other thing that we recommend you do is check out the frequently bought together deals as most of the time you will be able to save money and pick up special deals. You can also check out the warranty options which we recommend as it will be very cost-effective for a product of this price.

If you want complete control and also really good value for money, we highly recommend checking this out and bringing a new level to your garden watering that you will never regret, this is one of those products where you wait for a long time weighing up whether it will be worth the money. Once you have it installed and up and running you will never look back and be able to use this to water your garden.

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